Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wow we've been busy! Time to update the blog!

Baloo and I attempted two novice trials at the LOC in early June 2009. He qualified for one leg in novice, and in the second trial scooted a little on the sit so NQ'ed, but overall he was such a good boy. I was VERY pleased. :)

Then we thought we'd try our hand at dock dogs, as Baloo LOVES water and LOVES to retrieve, so this is a perfect mix of both. We went to our first competition in London at the International Food Festival at the end of June. He was in four waves, jumping around 8.5-9 feet in all of them. This earned him a place in the novice finals, where he jumped a personal best of 10 feet 9 inches! Good boy!!

Some dock diving pictures:

Baloo with all his "loot" from the weekend

Grabbing his beloved ball

Up, up and away!

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